Celebrating Father’s Day in Recovery

Man with children looking at the sunset

How to Enjoy the Holiday While in Treatment

Father's Day is typically a special day to recognize the important men in our lives. For those in recovery, however, feeling cherished or acknowledged on this day can be difficult—especially if family relationships are strained or even toxic.

Fortunately, there are many ways that families can celebrate the occasion while still supporting recovery goals. Keep in mind the following ideas:

Consider Healing Relationships

If your relationship with your father is strained, consider using the day as an opportunity to reach out and start rebuilding that bond. A phone call, text message, or even a handwritten letter can go a long way in showing that you care. If you can meet in person, try to do so in a neutral location like a park or coffee shop. And remember, it's okay to take baby steps—your goal is to simply begin the healing process.

Quality Time with Your Children

If you have children, spend some quality time with them doing something that your father enjoyed doing with you when you were younger. This can be a great way to create new memories while also honoring the past. You can also opt to cook a favorite meal together, start a new tradition, or engage in a fun hobby.

Connect with Others

Those in inpatient recovery can still celebrate, too. Reach out to your treatment center and see if they have any special activities planned for Father's Day. If not, consider spending time with the other men in your program. This can be a great way to form bonds with others who understand what you're going through and who might miss their own kids on this special day.

Begin Your Journey to Recovery at Decision Point

Decision Point Center offers individualized addiction treatment programs to help those struggling with substance use disorders. Our evidence-based approach includes a variety of therapies and activities designed to meet each client's unique needs. For more information on our program, please call us today at (844) 292-5010.

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