Wade is dedicated to working with clients to better understand the nature of their substance use as well as determining new plans for the future. Of course, these plans include relapse prevention and identifying skills to remain sober. But is that enough? It is Wade’s opinion that “just not using” is not enough to maintain genuine change.
As someone experienced in recovery, Wade has learned that genuine change comes when an individual makes the decision to look at all the unhealthy behaviors they engage in. When left unaddressed, these behaviors often lead to relapse and the client finds him or herself stuck in the destructive cycle of addiction once again. This is why Wade is committed to determining the underlying problems associated with addiction in each client he sees. After all, what good is being sober if the individual continues to lie, manipulate loved ones or live a life devoid of joy?
Outside of work, Wade is currently continuing his education in a Master’s Program for Licensed Professional Counseling. After completing his Master’s Program, Wade hopes to continue working with clients who struggle with substance use so that he might offer solution to those who believe none exist.